The Human Statue

When I was in middle school there would always be a little boy who had a clean haircut and would always wear a white uniform who would stand next to the entrance of the school. What creep me out was the fact that would show no emotion he had a very blank face and stand straight up as if he were a statue although he would look at everyone that would walk by the school entrance yet no one noticed him I started calling him the human statue.
One day I was walking to school at 5.00pm for a makeup test and I found him still standing next to the School entrance I began to ask myself why does he keep standing there I even started to wonder why did he look so clean if he never left the school entrance. The next day he longer wore a suit that was white now it was black and I noticed his skin got more pale and his eyes more black. The next day he was no longer there he was just gone I then asked someone do you know what happened to that little kid he than said "what little kid?